Monday, March 16, 2009

Aids medication issues

Tags: aids medication issues

from the current week are available to online subscribers only. Access to full versions of news stories from issues older than 1 week are available to all readers for free in our archive of all issues togirl asked: I am concerned for my friend. She had unprotected sex with a few people 5-13 years ago with various realtionships. She always gets the flu or colds constantly but has other medical issues as well such as fibromaygia and is on strong pain medication. I have been doing a search online fo ... Ad - For Your Major Purchase

WaPo Sees No Social Liberals: Obama Aims 'To Shield Science From Politics' on Embryo Killing

The Washington Post covered President ObamaĆ¢€™s decision to allow federal subsidies for embryo-destroying stem cell research with the gloss of Science triumphing over politics. The headline on page A-2 was "Obama Aims to Shield Science From Politics: Memo to Accompany Stem Cell Action." Or...

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1 comment:

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